When demonic essence is trapped in the bruning infernos of the demon world they fuse. Out of that fusion monstrosities like Azrat form. Considered the living will of the flames Azrat carries out his desires to burn and destroy.
Over the millennia of his existence, Azrat’s burning body has continued to grow in size. Countless demons and men have surrendered their essence to become part of his raging storm. He now matches the Lords in size but serves them as he only exist to burn and destroy.
Nothing matters but the flames of Hell. All life must join the flame. Even if he must destroy himself, he will see the world burn.
Azrat is a walking bomb: With attacks that cause bleeding if effective and a special ability called Nova. Nova allows you to roll 4 dice that will deal direct damage (They ignore all armor) at the cost of also damaging yourself. But with a health of 11 this allows him to clear the way for your troops and lord by clearing out large hordes of enemies. With Unbearable Heat he causes those that melee attack him to suffer 1 damage when they attack.
A once proud sorceress in life she learned that the magic she had channeled when she was living was actually tied to the demonic world. As her soul left her body it was captured by the very energies that she manipulated in life.
Now trapped in an eternal damnation and forced to serve the demons she can only find brief release from the pain by causing the suffering in the living. Tales have once spoken of this being following Death with a blind loyalty. For her it is the closest she can get to ending her suffering permanently.